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    Discover the Future of Recruitment during Trend_Day (March 18)
    Discover the Future of Recruitment during Trend_Day (March 18)

    8vance invites you to a leading session on Trend_Day on March 18, 2024, where we will explore the transformative influence of AI on recruitment and selection.

    Unlocking the Future: AI in Recruitment Outlook - Join Us Online on February 1st!
    Unlocking the Future: AI in Recruitment Outlook - Join Us Online on February 1st!

    Laurens Waling (on behalve of 8vance) will be speaking at the “AI in Recruitment Outlook” event on February 1st. Join us for an insightful discussion on how AI is reshaping the future of recruitment.

    8vance presents at StaffingPro Amsterdam 14th April 2024
    8vance presents at StaffingPro Amsterdam 14th April 2024

    8vance presents at StaffingPro Amsterdam 14th April 2024

    8vance Keynote at the HR & AI Congress 23 January 2024
    8vance Keynote at the HR & AI Congress 23 January 2024

    Discover the future of talent management at the intersection of HR and AI during this keynote. Explore the impact of skills-based internal mobility and sustainable employability on organizations and how AI-driven matching technology revolutionizes finding the right candidates for each job opening. Learn how AI not only predicts, standardizes, normalizes, weighs, and validates skills but also how talent ecosystems enable companies to exchange talent.

    Emerce TV: Solve labor market crisis with AI
    Emerce TV: Solve labor market crisis with AI

    Volgens Laurens Waling van 8vance hoeft er helemaal geen krapte te zijn op de arbeidsmarkt. De oplossing zit volgens hem in het deep-matchen met AI van mensen op skills, zelfs over vakgebieden heen. Hoe 8vance op die manier mensen helpt te navigeren van zogenaamde bull shitbanen naar meer betekenisvolle banen. Hij legt uit waarom we een fundamentele shift van denken moeten maken. Waarom we een ‘zachter systeem’ nodig hebben, waarin mensen meer risicovolle keuzes durven maken. Én hoe je met deep-matchen met AI je voordeel kunt doen als corporate recruiter of HR-directeur.

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